Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Friends

2 new Bigs arrived this week. Kenny from Wyoming and Marcedes from Pennsylvania. It is really good to have them here. Please pray for them as they get used to life here. That they would bring all of who the Lord is in them to our community. That what they bring would benefit us and what we have to offer would encourage them also. Also just for quick connections to be built with them, since they are the only 2 who are new and the rest of us have already spent 4 months together.

We also received 2 new girl Littles this week. One, "G", is 14 years old and seems really cute and sweet. She comes from a pretty mixed up family with 13 half or step siblings. She doesn't know her real dad and was raised by her mom and uncle. I've gotten to play and joke around with her, but don't really know much more about her.

The other new girl Little, "EM" was assigned to me. She is from California and 16 years old. From what I could tell the first day, she has a really poor relationship with her parents- is just manipulative and rebellious with them. She was really into pot and guys and is very fashionable. She also is not really interested in God- her parents are Christians and I think she just sees Christianity as a bunch of stupid rules.

It is fun to have new faces - please cover us with prayer as we all get to know one another.

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