Wednesday, March 5, 2008


A, is a girl Little who I shared about a long time ago. She was in my small group during the spiritual retreat we took some of the Littles on last year and was fighting against the Lord really hard then. She has continued to fight him and shut him out since then, until she went on the Mexico trip over beyond week and finally decided to give her life to him! Praise God!! This is a long awaited answer to prayer. A, seems to be afraid of telling others about her decision though- so please just pray for God to really speak truth and give her confidence in Him and this decision.

M's mom did not come visit and she didn't even end up getting to have any phone calls with her. I'm not really sure what is going on at home, but things do not seem to be moving in a positive direction. M was considering moving home when she graduated before, and now her counselor does not want to send her home at all. Continue to pray for restored relationship. Also, M feels very alone and unknown right now, because E was the one Little here that really knew her, and now she is gone. Pray that the Lord would comfort her and keep her from shutting down and sitting in depression.

My other Little, EM, is continuing to rack up the offenses and the hours. She is really rebellious and can be difficult to know how to relate to, discipline, and love. Pray that I would have patience and persistence with her and continue to pursue in the midst of rejection. Sometimes this is so hard. And mostly just pray that the Lord would soften her heart and change her. I heard her tell another Little the other day (seriously) that she should pray about something difficult that she was dealing with and she seems to like going to church now, where as she was opposed when she first got here. I don't know the motives behind either of these things, but am hoping for the best and for the Lord to just work.

Before leaving for outpost I had been asking often that the Lord would show me how to love the Littles like he does and at times fighting against getting bitter towards them. I still need prayer for this, but I have really seen His answer the last few days. It is really good! I have especially been able to connect with G. She is one of the new girls who came in January and is probably the first Little my whole time here that I feel totally comfortable hanging out with anytime, who consistently really lets me in and lets me love her and really feels like a friend. This is so refreshing. I am very thankful that God has given me this connection with her- please pray he would use it for his glory.

Also, there are 2 girl Littles graduating in 2 weeks. (One who loves God and is really growing and one who is still resisting Him) This means big transitions for these girls. Pray for the Lord to prepare there hearts exactly as they need in their last weeks here.

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