Desi and Book- our girl's house directors. These beautiful women are roomates. They live off property, but spend a lot of time at the house. They deal with money, Dr's appointments, parents, etc. Most importantly they've got our back on discipline and come to our rescue in crisis situations. Book is discipling me this semester.

"Granny" (Jenny) and "Papa Joe" - our LeadTime Directors. What a blessing these 2 are. They plan all our studies and activities as a LeadTime class and just disciple us and walk before us. I have much to learn from them and love their unique personalities and hearts for the Lord.

Julie- she's Direct Care Staff for the girls. She's crazy and fun and has spent a lot of time getting to know our LT class. Its nice to have her and another DC around who are more familiar with the girls and the routine than we are.

Jones, one of the Counselors for the Littles. She is also a lot of fun and has made a great effort to welcome our class, get to know us, and bless us.
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