"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
These verses about being sifted as wheat and the soon to follow passage of Simon Peter's denial may not seem too encouraging on first glance. But read them again. Any sifting that Satan is allowed to do is permitted by our Savior. Our Savior not only knows we will come through the sifting but prays for us in order that we may come through and be able to strengthen others by what we have learned. Peter reached his lowest point in denying Christ - he was humbled and taught that none of us are above falling - but then he was lifted up when Jesus reminded Him over and over that he really was a lover of God and reminded him of his task of strengthening and feeding the other sheep.
Why does this particularly excite me right now? Much of my heart feels like it has recently been carried through a season of great sifting, but praise the Lord my faith has lasted and come through as refined by fire. Now as I go to Colorado I am going there to strengthen my brothers! How exciting! That makes all the painful sifting worthwhile.
Everyone says that LeadTime is often a place of great sifting. I almost think this may not be the case for me as I have just experienced much of this, but am excited even if it is because I know the end result.
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