This week has been both hard and good for my class. It was so refreshing just to be back together on Tuesday. We are one another's friends and family and community, so its encouraging to be together again after break. Things have been pretty tense with the Littles in both houses this week though, and then with losing one of our teammates, and 2 of the girls in my class going through stuff that's really hard(one almost left this week) - it's just been hard. However, we got to spend hours and hours just praying for one another this week instead of doing our normal class stuff, so that was really good. We also had fun time together on days off and suzy night- played some fun "Imagine If".
Last night I had a really fun Big-Little with J. She had 4 hours she had to work off after school in order for us to go. But she really wanted to so she started scrubbing the bathrooms right after school and worked hard until she got them all off. We went to the mall and had cinabon, sat by the big fire, got mesages in the chairs at Brookstone, and tried Bath and Body Works products. For someone who doesn't like the mall (me), it was a lot of fun. I guess the mall is ok so long as you're not shopping. :o)
I got to talk with M last night too. (she couldn't come on big-little because she has hours). She and her mom made a lot of progress over break, and as a result of this, she is ready to have real relationship with me. This is really exciting- both for her family and for me. it is scary too though. I already love her so much, even though I don't have much of a relationship with her, I know that will only grow as I get to know her better- and that's scary because it means it will hurt worse if/when she decides to quit and ignore me again. But, I trust my Jesus and know that whatever happens, he is in control and it is worth it.
Here's a praise- it looks like SJ is going to get to stay through May and complete the program. She was having ot leave for financial reasons and somehow they were able to work something out, so this is exciting.