Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How can you be part of the TEAM ?

Want to know how to help?

I've had a few people asking me exactly how they can help me, so here are the things I am looking for right now:

-10 people who will commit to pray for me daily over this year

-As many people as are willing to commit to praying on a certain day of every week for me

-People to be on my update list, to take the time to stay in touch through the next year and pray as the Lord brings me to mind

-Financial support to cover personal expenses for a year - car insurance, gas, my phone, etc. LeadTime provides me with a place to stay as well as food, but I am responsible for all other day to day costs, and since I am commiting to fulltime ministry with the students at ShelterWood I will not be able to work.
*Please let me know if you can help in one of these ways!!*

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Did you know it snows in Denver?

So, as I just moments ago, for the first time, viewed this photo of the property that is soon to be my new home I had a moment of pure shock. I'm a Texas girl, and when I see this picture I think "Oh man that looks cold!" - yes, it looks beautiful, but how am I going to ever go outside to appreciate the beauty without freezing?!? I miss the sun already.

I got to talk the the Assistant Director of LeadTime yesterday to just get aquainted and have some questions answered.

Something new I learned yeserday is that contrary to what I was expecting, due to some new law in Colorado I will not be rooming with the teenagers I work with. I will spend lots of time with them, but at night will retire to a room shared with another LeadTimer. This is really exciting to me. I think it is wise to have a safe place and know this will help increase unity among the LeadTimers too.
Also, the LeadTimers in Colorado in August will be an entire new group, because all of the January admits this year were sent to Missouri. Although this may make the transition a little rough for the Shelterwood teens who remain, it will again be conducive to unity.
Lastly, what all of you want to know.... will you be able to visit me in my new winter wonderland home?? In the words of someone on staff there, "Your friends, family, and supporters are more than welcome to visit at any time during the year and we encourage that so that they can have a better idea of what you're doing." - So start planning your vacations now!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


It has been so fun hearing back from all of you who want to be a part of what God is doing at LeadTime! This week has been busy as I moved houses in College Station, but reading your e-mails was a blast. Even though there are still 2 months before I leave please begin praying now.

Specific Requests:
-We have a new roommate this summer, a girl who just came out of a program similar to what the teenagers I will be working with at LeadTime are in. Pray the Lord would use this to teach and prepare me greatly for what’s ahead.
- So far, only 3 girl LeadTimers have been placed in CO to start in August. The Doulos staff is working to place the other 6 this month. Pray that they would have wisdom in this process and begin to pray already for complete unity among the 9 of us (as well as the LeadTimers already in CO.)
-That I would daily be faithful to the Lord and His Word this summer and that He will teach me and put in me exactly the things that I will need at LeadTime. (I can already see some cool ways He’s done this in the last year – pray it would continue)

*Please also use the last post to begin praying for the things I desire to see God do in and through me at LeadTime.